Creative Corner

#NaNoWriMo2023 Day 7

Hello Everyone,


So, day 7. Yesterday I felt I could not go on with this challenge. I just felt so pressured and like I didn’t have a story to tell. Mental health can be so soul destroying and make you believe some awful things about yourself. My self esteem has never been particularly good but the past few years have certainly taken a hit.


I woke up this morning though and felt like picking up my MacBook and giving it another go. I’m still a little behind, currently at 10110 words and today’s count should be around 11669 but I think I may still have some words in me later today. I’ve managed just over 3000 words today already and that’s a good chunk. My characters are finally talking to me and the path feels a little lighter to walk upon. Sometimes, you just need that conversation to start. I’m hoping I am now on a roll.


Happy writing